2007-2011 State Plan
Amended at 5/28/08 Retreat
Link to Amended Goals & Objectives
For more details, see the committee grids under Publications Send comments to:
Link to annual Program Performance Report submitted to the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) on 12/31/06
Link to 2006 Annual Report
Who We Are
The Hawaii State Council on Developmental Disabilities is a body comprised of individuals appointed by the governor. 60% of the Council is made up of persons with disabilities and family members of persons with disabilities. The remaining members represent state and private agencies, and the community at-large.
The Hawaii DD Council was established in state law by Act 198, Session Laws of Hawaii, 1975. The Council (according to Hawaii Revised Statutes, Section 333E) develops, prepares, and adopts the state plan which "shall guide the development and delivery of all services to individuals with developmental disabilities." The state plan shall include "establishment of goals and priorities of the State in meeting the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities, including the recommendation of priorities for the distribution of public funds for comprehensive services to individuals with developmental disabilities within the State and other matters deemed necessary to achieve independence, productivity, integration, inclusion, and self-determination of individuals with developmental disabilities."
The federal Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000(P.L. 106–402) defines the purpose of State Councils on Developmental Disabilities as engaging in "advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change activities..." that "contribute to a coordinated, consumer- and family-centered, consumer- and family-directed, comprehensive system that includes needed community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that promote self-determination for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families."
DD Network
The DD Act (PL 106-402) defines a collaborative network made up of ...
• Developmental Disabilities Councils,
• Protection and Advocacy Systems, and
• University Centers for Excellence in Developmental
Disabilities Education, Research, and Service.
In Hawaii, the three sister agencies are the DD Council, Hawaii Disability Rights Center, and the Center on Disability Studies.
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© COPYRIGHT 2001 Hawaii Council on Developmental Disabilities
Site last updated March 6, 2007