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State Council on Developmental Disabilities
State Plan 2001 - 2006
ED-1 School transitions are meaningful and individualized consistent with the principles of self-determination.
- Increase transition options, i.e. employment, higher or continuing education, housing, recreation, and social opportunities for students with developmental disabilities.
- Encourage advocacy agencies in their efforts to promote participation through the dissemination of information to all appropriate individuals and agencies involved in transitional planning.
- Improve coordination among agencies such as DOE, DOH, DLIR, DHS, DVR, persons with disabilities, and their circles of support in order to create a meaningful transition process in which all involved parties understand all post-school options.
EM-1 Persons with developmental disabilities are employed consistent with their interests, abilities, and needs.
- Meet with government and provider agencies to identify actions necessary to increase employment of individuals with developmental disabilities.
- Identify a range of employment options based on self-determination and choice principles.
- Identify potential business development resources for persons with developmental disabilities.
- Promote efforts by state agencies and counties to utilize federally-legislated work incentive programs.
- Promote existing recognition programs for exemplary employers/companies who have hired people with disabilities in their workforce.
- Submit publicity about the positives of employing people with disabilities in the workplace to appropriate media.
HE-1 Persons with developmental disabilities have access to preventive and restorative dental care.
- Advocate for funding for community-based solutions through participation on the Oral Health Task Force, Neighbor Island DD committees, et al.
- Promote community awareness of "Donated Dental Services".
HE-2 Persons with developmental disabilities who are medically fragile and their families have the necessary supports to live in an environment other than a medical facility.
- Participate with KMCWC, DHS, DOH on the Medically Fragile Task Force to develop a comprehensive system of services which enables the medically fragile and their families to live in an environment other than a medical facility.
HE-3 Children eligible for Medicaid and S-CHIP have access to EPSDT services.
- Collaborate with stakeholders to remove barriers to the recruitment of more medical providers who accept Medicaid and S-CHIP.
- Collaborate with DHS, HCFA, and other stakeholders to improve dissemination of information about EPSDT to families and doctors.
- Advocate for a family-friendly and simplified application form and process.
HE-4 People with developmental disabilities receive needed medical services and the necessary medical supports (e.g., medical supplies and durable equipment) in a simple and timely manner.
- Collaborate with stakeholders to identify barriers to health services, and advocate for policy and procedural changes to the identified barriers.
- Collaborate with DHS to coordinate informational presentations to Medicaid users regarding managed care.
- Participate in transitional task force to assure transition timeline is adhered to.
- Advocate for "Ombuds" program to be in place when Quest II begins.
- Advocate for the removal of barriers for people with developmental disabilities who are uninsured and under-insured in accessing medical services.
HO-1 People with developmental disabilities will have a range of living options from which to choose.
- Collaborate with stakeholders to assess needs, identify and remove barriers to living options.
- Collaborate with HUD, private, state and federal agencies, and community stakeholders to maximize existing housing options and to develop new alternatives.
CI-1 Policymakers shall understand, value, and support community inclusion and participation of people with developmental disabilities.
- Conduct legislative/candidate breakfasts/forums/Family day at the Capitol.
- Provide general and issue-specific information, testimony at public hearings, and individual briefings to legislators and government policymakers.
CI-2 Individuals with developmental disabilities have the staffing, financial, and technological supports necessary to live in the home of their choice including respite and relief during emergencies.
- Advocate for increased funding for supports.
- Develop expertise and resources to support individuals with challenging behaviors to remain in the community.
CI-3 People with developmental disabilities and their circles of support have increased self-advocacy skills and opportunities to use those skills.
- Develop web page for persons with developmental disabilities and their circles of support.
- Conduct annual Partners in Policymaking academy.
- Obtain and secure longterm, cross-disability self-advocacy funding to promote training and organization of self-advocates.
- Organize and train self-advocates and their support circles to discuss disability issues with legislators during such activities as Family Day at the Capitol.
- Promote opportunities and links for self-advocates to serve on boards, participate in public hearings, and provide input through various activities including policy development and quality assurance.
CI-4 People with developmental disabilities have access to appropriate, safe, and timely transportation options in order to participate in their communities.
- Collaborate with public and private transportation and advocacy agencies to devise solutions for providing transportation options (services and scheduling).
- Advocate for the appointment of persons with developmental disabilities on decision-making boards that can affect the development and provision of accessible transportation.
- Collaborate with public and private transportation agencies to insure the dissemination of transportation information via a variety of traditional and non-traditional methods.
SD-1 Individuals and their families will have the information and supports necessary to make informed choices, and receive services based on individual choice.
- Collaborate with government and private agencies to provide capacity-building training on self-determination, person-centered planning, individualized budgets, and funding resources to developmental disabilities population.
- Provide the fiscal and staff support to develop an information and resource network available in various formats.
- Create new approaches for provision of respite and family support.
SD-2 Guardianship and alternatives reflect the principles of self-determination.
- Collaborate with stakeholders to identify and disseminate information on guardianship and alternatives.
- Collaborate with stakeholders to initiate necessary statutory changes.
- Identify resources to achieve objectives 1 and 2.
SD-3 The values and philosophy of self-determination become the standard for the provision of supports.
- Collaborate with DOH and DHS to insure that all contracts incorporate the values and philosophies of self-determination.
- Initiate formal and informal planning, education and training on self-determination and Act 133 among persons with disabilities, family members, and public/private providers.
- Co-sponsor and support Self-Determination Conference in collaboration with Department of Health.
- Conduct annual Direct Support Worker (DSW) conference.
SD-4 There is a system in place with adequate funding, a non-intrusive approach, and person-centered supports [per Act 133], which is simple, efficient, and timely.
- Collaborate with DOH and DHS to present HCBS forums on maximizing MR/DD waiver services.
- Obtain budget information and advocate for full funding.
- Collaborate with government agencies to improve the identification of individuals coming into the system.
- Provide input to waiver amendments.
- Advise DOH to create policies and procedures that reflect self-determination.
- Provide input to review/revise Hawaii's administrative rules.
- Participate with LTC organizations to provide input on a long term care system based on the principles of self-determination.
SD-5 Service provision system is effective, economically efficient and decentralized with outcome-based quality assurance.
- Collaborate with DOH, DHS to maximize funding for community services
- Analyze the case management system to determine its current status, make recommendations, and create a timeline for implementation with appropriate stakeholders which results in a system which incorporates the principles of self-determination.
- Analyze present barriers to flexible services, develop and initiate recommendations, and advocate for change.
- Partner in developing multi-agency monitoring of quality of lives.
- Establish Developmental Disabilities customer services representation.
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