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State Council on Developmental Disabilities
State Plan 2001 - 2006

ED-1 School transitions are meaningful and individualized consistent with the principles of self-determination.   

  1. Increase transition options, i.e. employment, higher or continuing education, housing, recreation, and social opportunities for students with developmental disabilities.
  2. Encourage advocacy agencies in their efforts to promote participation through the dissemination of information to all appropriate individuals and agencies involved in transitional planning.
  3. Improve coordination among agencies such as DOE, DOH, DLIR, DHS, DVR, persons with disabilities, and their circles of support in order to create a meaningful transition process in which all involved parties understand all post-school options.

EM-1 Persons with developmental disabilities are employed consistent with their interests, abilities, and needs.
  1. Meet with government and provider agencies to identify actions necessary to increase employment of individuals with developmental disabilities.
  2. Identify a range of employment options based on self-determination and choice principles.
  3. Identify potential business development resources for persons with developmental disabilities.
  4. Promote efforts by state agencies and counties to utilize federally-legislated work incentive programs.
  5. Promote existing recognition programs for exemplary employers/companies who have hired people with disabilities in their workforce.
  6. Submit publicity about the positives of employing people with disabilities in the workplace to appropriate media.

HE-1 Persons with developmental disabilities have access to preventive and restorative dental care.
  1. Advocate for funding for community-based solutions through participation on the Oral Health Task Force, Neighbor Island DD committees, et al.
  2. Promote community awareness of "Donated Dental Services".

HE-2 Persons with developmental disabilities who are medically fragile and their families have the necessary supports to live in an environment other than a medical facility.

  1. Participate with KMCWC, DHS, DOH on the Medically Fragile Task Force to develop a comprehensive system of services which enables the medically fragile and their families to live in an environment other than a medical facility.

HE-3 Children eligible for Medicaid and S-CHIP have access to EPSDT services.

  1. Collaborate with stakeholders to remove barriers to the recruitment of more medical providers who accept Medicaid and S-CHIP.
  2. Collaborate with DHS, HCFA, and other stakeholders to improve dissemination of information about EPSDT to families and doctors.
  3. Advocate for a family-friendly and simplified application form and process.

HE-4 People with developmental disabilities receive needed medical services and the necessary medical supports (e.g., medical supplies and durable equipment) in a simple and timely manner.

  1. Collaborate with stakeholders to identify barriers to health services, and advocate for policy and procedural changes to the identified barriers.
  2. Collaborate with DHS to coordinate informational presentations to Medicaid users regarding managed care.
  3. Participate in transitional task force to assure transition timeline is adhered to.
  4. Advocate for "Ombuds" program to be in place when Quest II begins.
  5. Advocate for the removal of barriers for people with developmental disabilities who are uninsured and under-insured in accessing medical services.

HO-1 People with developmental disabilities will have a range of living options from which to choose.
  1. Collaborate with stakeholders to assess needs, identify and remove barriers to living options.
  2. Collaborate with HUD, private, state and federal agencies, and community stakeholders to maximize existing housing options and to develop new alternatives.

CI-1 Policymakers shall understand, value, and support community inclusion and participation of people with developmental disabilities.

  1. Conduct legislative/candidate breakfasts/forums/Family day at the Capitol.
  2. Provide general and issue-specific information, testimony at public hearings, and individual briefings to legislators and government policymakers.

CI-2 Individuals with developmental disabilities have the staffing, financial, and technological supports necessary to live in the home of their choice including respite and relief during emergencies.

  1. Advocate for increased funding for supports.
  2. Develop expertise and resources to support individuals with challenging behaviors to remain in the community.

CI-3 People with developmental disabilities and their circles of support have increased self-advocacy skills and opportunities to use those skills.

  1. Develop web page for persons with developmental disabilities and their circles of support.
  2. Conduct annual Partners in Policymaking academy.
  3. Obtain and secure longterm, cross-disability self-advocacy funding to promote training and organization of self-advocates.
  4. Organize and train self-advocates and their support circles to discuss disability issues with legislators during such activities as Family Day at the Capitol.
  5. Promote opportunities and links for self-advocates to serve on boards, participate in public hearings, and provide input through various activities including policy development and quality assurance.

CI-4 People with developmental disabilities have access to appropriate, safe, and timely transportation options in order to participate in their communities.

  1. Collaborate with public and private transportation and advocacy agencies to devise solutions for providing transportation options (services and scheduling).
  2. Advocate for the appointment of persons with developmental disabilities on decision-making boards that can affect the development and provision of accessible transportation.
  3. Collaborate with public and private transportation agencies to insure the dissemination of transportation information via a variety of traditional and non-traditional methods.

SD-1 Individuals and their families will have the information and supports necessary to make informed choices, and receive services based on individual choice.

  1. Collaborate with government and private agencies to provide capacity-building training on self-determination, person-centered planning, individualized budgets, and funding resources to developmental disabilities population.
  2. Provide the fiscal and staff support to develop an information and resource network available in various formats.
  3. Create new approaches for provision of respite and family support.

SD-2 Guardianship and alternatives reflect the principles of self-determination.

  1. Collaborate with stakeholders to identify and disseminate information on guardianship and alternatives.
  2. Collaborate with stakeholders to initiate necessary statutory changes.
  3. Identify resources to achieve objectives 1 and 2.

SD-3 The values and philosophy of self-determination become the standard for the provision of supports.

  1. Collaborate with DOH and DHS to insure that all contracts incorporate the values and philosophies of self-determination.
  2. Initiate formal and informal planning, education and training on self-determination and Act 133 among persons with disabilities, family members, and public/private providers.
  3. Co-sponsor and support Self-Determination Conference in collaboration with Department of Health.
  4. Conduct annual Direct Support Worker (DSW) conference.

SD-4 There is a system in place with adequate funding, a non-intrusive approach, and person-centered supports [per Act 133], which is simple, efficient, and timely.

  1. Collaborate with DOH and DHS to present HCBS forums on maximizing MR/DD waiver services.
  2. Obtain budget information and advocate for full funding.
  3. Collaborate with government agencies to improve the identification of individuals coming into the system.
  4. Provide input to waiver amendments.
  5. Advise DOH to create policies and procedures that reflect self-determination.
  6. Provide input to review/revise Hawaii's administrative rules.
  7. Participate with LTC organizations to provide input on a long term care system based on the principles of self-determination.

SD-5 Service provision system is effective, economically efficient and decentralized with outcome-based quality assurance.

  1. Collaborate with DOH, DHS to maximize funding for community services
  2. Analyze the case management system to determine its current status, make recommendations, and create a timeline for implementation with appropriate stakeholders which results in a system which incorporates the principles of self-determination.
  3. Analyze present barriers to flexible services, develop and initiate recommendations, and advocate for change.
  4. Partner in developing multi-agency monitoring of quality of lives.
  5. Establish Developmental Disabilities customer services representation.

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© COPYRIGHT 2001 The Hawaii State Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities