the Hawaii Developmental Disabilities Council
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star State Plan 2007 - 2011 (by Committee Responsibility)


Goal I.   Individuals with developmental disabilities have the staffing, financial, and technological supports necessary to live in the home of their choice including respite and relief during emergencies.

Objective 1.     Advocate for individuals to receive the supports they need in an equitable, transparent manner.

Objective 2.     Develop expertise and resources to support individuals with challenging behaviors to remain in the community.

Objective 3:      Participate in the implementation of the Olmstead Plan to best utilize existing resources for people with disabilities.

Objective 4:      Maximize and develop current residential living options for individuals with DD to increase available, accessible, and affordable alternatives.

Goal II People with developmental disabilities have access to appropriate, safe, and timely transportation options in order to participate in their communities.

Objective 1.     Work with public and private transportation and advocacy agencies to devise solutions for providing transportation options (services and scheduling).

Objective 2.     Work with public and private transportation agencies to make sure transportation information is distributed via a variety of traditional and non-traditional methods.

Objective 3.     Advocate for the appointment of persons with developmental disabilities on decision-making boards that can affect the development and provision of accessible transportation.

Goal IIIThere is a system in place (per Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 333F) that supports community inclusion and includes consumer-directed services, individual budgeting, and the development of natural supports.  The system is simple, timely and effective, economically efficient with adequate funding, decentralized with outcome-based quality assurance, and uses a non-intrusive and person-centered approach. 

Objective 1.     Support the implementation of a new HCBS MR/DD waiver by July 1, 2006 with adequate guidelines and education to individuals, families, and providers in a timely manner.

Objective 2.     Obtain DDD’s budget information and advocate for full funding to be used efficiently and effectively.

Objective 3.     Work with government agencies to improve the identification of individuals coming into the system.

Objective 4.     Partner with appropriate agencies in developing a monitoring tool for quality of life.

Objective 5.     Work with public and private sector agencies to maximize funding for community services to meet individual needs.

Objective 6.     Analyze the case management system to determine its current status, make recommendations, and create a timeline for implementation with appropriate stakeholders, which results in a system which incorporates the principles of self-determination.

Objective 7.     Analyze availability and adequacy of services under the new waiver and make recommendations if necessary.

Objective 8.     Work with DOH on the implementation of the DD Consumer Services program to identify trends and solutions.


Goal I.  People with developmental disabilities have access to needed medical and dental care.    

Objective 1.     Work to reduce health disparities among persons in Hawaii with developmental disabilities.

Objective 2.     Work to increase the number of persons with developmental disabilities who have access to preventive and restorative dental care.

Objective 3.     People with developmental disabilities have the information necessary to make an informed choice of a Medicaid managed care health plan and have access to needed medical services through the Quest Expanded Access program.

Objective 4.     Increase access and utilization of EPSDT under Medicaid and S-CHIP.

Goal II.   Appropriate family-centered, community-based, culturally-appropriate services and supports will be available to all children with special needs.

Objective 1.     Appropriate early intervention services will be available to all infants and toddlers with developmental disabilities and/or at risk for developmental disabilities.

Objective 2.     Appropriate preschool services will be available for children with developmental disabilities in inclusive settings.

Objective 3.     Transition between early intervention and special education preschool and between preschool and kindergarten will be a positive experience for children and families.

Objective 4.     Improve community support services for children with developmental needs and their families.

Objective 5.     Increase options for children with developmental disabilities who are medically fragile to live in a natural home environment rather than a medical facility.


Goal I.   The capacity for self-determination is enhanced through activities that support and inform self-advocates, family members, service providers, policymakers and the general public.

Objective 1.     Support the formation of a statewide self-advocacy organization and its ongoing activities.

Objective 2.     Conduct annual Partners in Policymaking academy and keep partners involved after graduation.

Objective 3.     Organize and train self-advocates and family members to interact with policymakers.

Objective 4.     Collaborate to provide training on self-determination, person-centered planning, individualized budgets, and awareness of rights under state and federal laws.

Objective 5.     Support training of direct support personnel and opportunities for their retention and advancement.

Objective 6.     Increase public awareness about disability through the development and dissemination of multi-media materials.


Goal I.   Persons with developmental disabilities are employed consistent with their interests and abilities.

Objective 1.     Meet with government and provider agencies and employers to identify actions necessary to increase employment of individuals with DD.

Objective 2.     Identify a range of employment options based on self-determination and choice principles.

Objective 3.     Identify potential business development resources for persons with DD.

Objective 4.     Promote efforts by state agencies and counties to utilize federally legislated work programs.

Objective 5.     People have the supports to obtain employment of their choices.

Objective 6.     Obtain grants for developing micro-enterprises, self-employment, and small business.

Goal II.  School transitions are meaningful and individualized consistent with the principles of self-determination.

Objective 1.     Increase transition options, i.e., employment, higher or continuing education, housing, recreation, and social opportunities for students with DD.

Objective 2.     Encourage advocacy agencies in their efforts to promote participation through    the dissemination of information to all appropriate individuals and agencies involved in transitional planning.

Objective 3.     Improve coordination among persons with DD and their circles of support in order to create a meaningful transition process in which all involved parties understand all post-school options.

Goal III.  The IDEA is reauthorized with necessary provisions and funding to ensure that children with disabilities receive free and appropriate services and supports.

Objective 1.      Advocate for appropriate provisions and funding within IDEA.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please email them to or call the Council office.

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Site last updated March 6, 2007
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